Friday, January 14, 2011

Date #1

so now my true dating journal begins.
its 5:30 monday night and i get an urgent message:
"JENNA call me back ASAP"
so naturally my secret agent instincts stepped in and i quickly analyzed the situation and thought the best thing to do would be to call her back!
so what was my mission? double date that night! this was right up my alley of expertise and i began my prep of the "oh i looked really good today and i just threw on some clothes and ran out the door" look! cause everyone knows the best aspect of a secret agent is her disguise!
when i got to my friends house and we were waiting for the boys naturally i stalked him on facebook cause i have to have previous knowledge! but the important thing is not to act like you know anything about them..but you can cleverly say things that you think might spark conversation! so when they got there we decided to play wii! haha and i owned at just dance 2! primarily cause that's the only video game im remotely good at! so then as we continued on to play wii resort and i would loose misserably again my date - we'll call him old person name - i would still have some remaining dignity!

after the wii it was time to settle down and pick something to naturally the seating arrangment came up?
should i go and sit next to him?
should i tell him to sit next to me?

so what happens?
old person name goes to the bathroom! and then my his friend (my friends boyfriend) tell me to come sit next to where he was previously sitting and we were quietly yelling/whispering at each other when he came back and i reacted by strechting out on the opposite end of the couch.
decision made. it was a first date, i had no obligation to sit next to him, and plus i was tired, and wanted to lay down. so lesson learned. dont give in to what you think is "expected date behavior".

at the end of the night i must have done somthing right cause he asked for my number "so we can hang out without killing each other at wii"


at the end of that night i wasnt really feeling to much from him, and i didnt really have anything to add to my "list", but after texting him i did come upon a realization. its really good to ask people abuot them selves. so many people today just ask "how are you?" out of habbit. but we should ask with the intention of having a response other than "well that's good". One of the most thoughtful thing is just asking about the other person, showing a legitmate interest in who they are, and what made them that way, rather than just what they do or what they look like.

keep the

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What are boys really for?

Lately, I have been asked quite frequently, why it seems that boys don't really show an interest in them, or pursue them really. Despite the variance of all the circumstances, I couldn't help but notice that essentially I ended up telling each person the same thing. So, I figured the world might also benefit from my philosophy!

Here it goes. The dating philosophy for the teenage girl:
You are in high school. Some will say that they are the best time of their lives! Others will say that it was full of amazing firsts and good memories. But MOST will say that High School is where we begin to truly develop our essence and who we are. So then, why would you want anything to get in the way of the development of the YOU that will last for hopefully 70plus years to come. Now is the time to use dating as a tool to better ourselves! One of the biggest components of who we are is what we see in other people. Through dating lots of guys we can come to know what we really appreciate and look for in people. Unfortunately most of us will be able to also clearly see what we DON'T like in others. All things which will make our ultimate choice in a HUSBAND all the easier and confident (cause i mean i don't think any of us want any doubts in that area)!

Enjoy High School which ever way suits you! If you think dating is to hard and to much effort then maybe that's something that should wait until later! But if dating is something that is fun to you (which i think deep down inside everyone loves) then do it! But date different people! Take the time to organize the dates, and ask the people! I highly recommend doubles or triples or even quads!

Boys are here for us to one day marry! So use the time now to figure out what you like in them! But be patient with them cause they might (okay definitely will) need some pushing and HINTING! 

With love,